Wednesday 5 June 2013

Artist Research

Keith Griffen - Most know for his work with DC comics during the 1980s and 90s drawing a number of superman comics for the team "Legion of Super-Heroes".
What I find most interesting in his comics is how each panal of each page has a different perspective making each image different and more interesting from the next one. Keeping the viewer interested by the variations in visuals. This also keeps the setting from getting boring, this is especially important if a good few pages are constricted to the same room or area. Which is something for me to keep in mind when I'm illustrating my novel because the whole of the novel is constricted to an island.
I also find interesting the close ups of characters faces in some panels. I find doing this really captures the emotion of the characters, which sometimes having the whole character body in the panel doesn't because there is less attention to detail in the face then. It can also if done right can create tension and slow down the pace of the comic.
These techniques my seem fundamental for someone experienced in making comics but I find these  techniques interesting and significant learning step nevertheless and will look to incorporate theses techniques when designing my novel to try and keep it visually gripping throughout.

Superman comic page from:

Page from a graphic novel adaption "Hell On Earth" from

Dave Hunt - Worked in the comic book business since 1972 working for marvel and then for DC in 1978.
While his work is all the more the same to Griffens work, what I find stands out in this comic page is Hunt drew the same character multiple times in one panel (as you see superman in the third panel is drawn multiple times running and changing from clark kent to superman). Ive seen this technique in older comics and I find it really captures a sense of movement in the character and fells like the character is being animated. Its effective and is a technique for me to consider if my characters are going to be animated much because it can save a lot of space with my pages and panels.

Superman comic page from:

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