Thursday 6 June 2013

Other interesting Graphic Novels

This page is illustrated by David Lloyd for his graphic novel "Kickback"
Like previous novels Ive research I like how every panel is drawn at a different perspective making each image stand out differently and keeping the story visually interesting. It also make the most out of its surrounding environment and stops it from getting boring.
I also find this graphic novel generally has a dramatic feel to it with the composition in every image, close ups of peoples faces and objects and well thought out body language. i find this makes the most out of the environment characters and objects in the story to create a visually compelling story.

Page from "The Hills Have Eyes" graphic novel by John Higgins.
What got my attention most about his novel is the simple showing-of of scenery at the beginning of the novel. It gives time to set up the atmosphere for the reader instead of jumping straight into the story. This is something for me to defiantly consider when i start my novel, instead of being too hasty to beginning the story and dialog I should take a moment to set up the story and environment for the reader and get them on the same track as me, especially if they have never read Lord of the flies before.

Page from the novel "Infinite Kung-Fu" by Kagan McLeod.
I really like the sense of pace and movement in this novel. Like on the 4th panel, the lines in the background really give a sense that this character is throwing his own arms at two zombies at his left and right. This is a techniques that will be at least worth experimenting with in scenes of my novel were the characters are more animated.

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