Wednesday 5 June 2013

Interesting things to Illustrate in my Graphic Novel

  • Depict the atmosphere of the island and its contrast between the sea, the beach and the jungle.
  • Show roughly the plane crash and like the book leave it open to interpretation how it crashed and if the pilot was killed
  • How the conch grabs Ralphes eye and is discovered
  • The gathering of all the children as the conch is blown
  • Establish clearly who is who (try to have distinctive details in the character designs)
  • Symbolise how the conch represents rules and authority
  • Show all the problems with what the children are doing when making the fire which leads to it getting out of control (i.e. made in an area with lots of tall grass and no rocks put around it to stop it spreading)
  • Show the difference and contrast in the lanscape were the children made their first fire before and after
  • Establish some form of culture around the island from when the children first gather and build it up to make it all the more impacting when it descends into savagery later on in the story.
  • Show how Jack and Ralphe are oposites.
  • Show the beginning of Jacks decent into savagery.
  • Illustrate the sense of the ship coming and going from the island and how close the children were from being saved.

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