Thursday 6 June 2013

Designing Jack

Jacks Description in the book:

  • Tall
  • Thin and Boney
  • Hed Hair
  • Freakily and ugly without silliness
  • Blue Eyes

Jack from the 1963 and 1990s film adaption


Final Design
When I was designing Jack I genrally wanted him to look unlikeable because when you read the book you get the idea hes not very pleasant to other people and treats them like they are a lesser person than him (especially Piggy). I think i've captured this look well with the pointy and sharp chin and nose almost having an evil look to him and the constant frown look to his face like hes judging you. Also like the book i think the face has a sense of ugliness and the shape of his tall skinny body is there. The only problem is I think you get a sense he is older that Ralphe or around the same age in this design but I dont think it looks too big of an age difference and I always imaged when reading the book that Ralphe and Jack were close to the same age.

Design for the Knife

Research of what a 50s pocket knife would look like

Images from:

Second set of designs

 The Conch
First Design

After I drew my first design of the conch I looked up a lot of visual images of conchs to practice drawing from because I didn't have a clear idea of what conch convincingly looked like.

Images from:

More designs

An illustration of Ralphe and Jack together comparing the two

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