Friday 7 June 2013

Other Character Designs

Johnny - at one point in the begging of the book is described in great detail and is a character worth designing even if he is in the background for the most of the story because its a chance to show how all the younger children looked because they as a group at one point were also described in similar detail.

Books description of Johnny
  • six years old
  • clothes torn 
  • innocent looking 
  • face covered in fruit

Final Design

Final Design
Simon is not described much in the book, not in the first act anyway so his design was the most improvised. I imaged he would have thick messy hair from being sweetie in the hot environment  with his black uniform on were he eventually fainted. I also imagined because he befriends Ralphe and Piggy that he would generally have a friendly look to him which I think I was achieved with his round shaped face and his shy and nervous facial expressions.

Sam and Eric

Final Design
From what the book tells you about sam and eric they are described as very lively, young and a feel like they are always up to no good.  I looked to capture that in there wide eyes and constant smile. Ive also looked to convey a sense of energy to them in there wavy hair shape.

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