Friday 7 June 2013

Other Design Work

Ralphes uniform and the the Choirs uniform -

Image Research

A theatre adaption of Lord of the Flies at the "Theatre Royal in Glasgow"

An image of boys in a 1950s school uniform

School Cloak

The cloaks Jack and the choir wore in the 1963 film adaption of Lord of the Flies

Final Design

 A colour image of Ralphe and Jack wearing the uniforms

The Island -

Image Research

First design:
All the element are there to create a convincing image of an island in the distance but maybe there is a bit too much going on and as a result it looks a bit messy 

Second design
While this looks alot less messy and fits more with the simplistic style of my novel so far, there is still not quiet something convincing about it to create a solid image. 
Nevertheless i just noticed looking back at my storyboard there is never a image of the whole island at any point in my novel so i left this as it is instead of wasting time trying to perfect something that wont appear in the end product.

Plane -

Image Research of planes from the 1950s

I went with the second design as it looks the more solid (design wise and structurally). i also generally looks like something that woud carry lots of people. I also need the plane to be able to eject part of the plane carrying the passengers for the sake of the story.

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