Friday 7 June 2013

Page Experiment

Now that I have established my main characters and some of the objects I decided to do some experimenting by illustrating them into a bunch of random panels from my story board design. I think the characters have come out well and they look like they belong together in the same story. As for things like the background and surrounding it could do with some improvement. I think the detail and texture for the sand is fine but the jungle in the background of the first panel doesn't look at all impressive and shows I may need to do some experimenting with designing the background and environment.

I also did some experimenting by colouring in one of the panels digitally on photoshop. Im not too experienced with colouring in digitally so I just stuck to what I  know by using paint bucket over a scanned in image. Again this is something I need to experiment with more if I plan to colour in the novel digitally. Although I think I have got the colours right  to create the right atmosphere, the overall finish looks poor and low quality and if I plan to colour in my images digitally I will need to experiment with different techniques and approaches.

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